Our dedicated classified ads and expert advice are a magnet for qualified buyers who are ready and eager to buy your business, space, services or equipment.
Listing your items on our site is easy. Please review the pricing schedule below and when you are ready, get started by registering to use our site or check out our guide to listing on our site.
Classified Listing Prices
Default Classified Listing Price (prices may vary by category – see below)
- Default Listing Price: $19.95/month
- Photo’s: $1 each (5 free)
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $59.98
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $24.98
- Bold: $14.98
- Better Placement (Top): 19.98
- Video: $19.98
Equipment for Sale or Lease:
- Category Listing Price: Free listing and renewal
- Photo’s: $1 each (5 free)
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $59.98
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $24.98
- Bold: $14.98
- Better Placement (Top): 19.98
- Video: $19.98
Business and Franchises for Sale:
- Category Listing Price: $99 per month and renewal, $199 for three months and $149 renewal, or $399 for six months and $349 renewal, $599 per year with $549 renewal.
- Photo’s: $5 each (5 free)
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $59.98
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $24.98
- Bold: $14.98
- Better Placement (Top): $19.98
- Video: $19.98
Business Services:
- Category Listing Price: $25/month or $70 for 3 months and 70 for renewal; or $140 for 6 months and $135 for renewal; or $250 for one year and $240 for renewal
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $59.98
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $24.98
Photo’s: $1 each (5 free) - Bold: $14.98
- Better Placement (Top): $19.98
- Video: $19.98
Learning and Events:
- Category Listing Price: Free listing for one month and free renewal
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $59.98
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $24.98
- Photo’s: $1 each (5 free)
- Bold: $14.98
- Better Placement (Top): $19.98
- Video: $19.98
Please note that listings placed in the wrong category will be moved or removed.
Auction Listing Prices (Business and Industrial Equipment category only)
Default Auction Listing Price:
- Default Auction Listing Price: $24.95
- Photo’s: $1 each (4 free)
- Feature Level 1 (Main Page): $39.95
- Feature Level 2 (Category Page): $29.95
- Bold: $11.95
- Better Placement (Top): $19.95
- Video: $19.95
Ready to get started?
Or learn how to place a listing:
How to Place a Listing on Connect4Commerce